
  • 5.00 €

Ex Tax: 4.20 €

Product Code: FA1136

shoe car, sizes 0 - 3, 3 - 6, 6 - 12 months, in: 22 red, 29 rose, 50 mountain lake green, 544 baby blue

PLEASE give the size f the shoes at the end of the order form in the text part! 

Felting has a longstanding tradition in rural Nepal - as in most parts of the world. Up to 10, 15 years ago, you would find products from handspun wool (jackets, hats, carpets, blankets). Yet, these items loose ground against the influx of modern textile mass products and had only few admirers elsewhere. When the carpet production becomes slow and slower the felt mass production was started with quite a bit of quality and design help from other countries. They use mainly New Zealand wool

The felt production created many new jobs, mainly for women.

Our felt items are produced in small enterprises with no child labour, and we support fair working conditions and the care for the environmental effects. Tthe designs are made by us, few items we buy from women’s cooperatives.